Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2 Months

Boy does time fly when you're having fun! Colt is growing so fast...we are trying to cherish every minute because it is going so fast already! It was a hoot at his 2 month check up when the nurse put him on the scale. She asked me what he weighed when he was born...6 lbs. Then his weight popped up in the screen....13lbs 10oz! Whoa!! She smiled and said, "Well we begin to worry when they haven't doubled their weight by 6 months. We certainly don't have to worry about him!" When you breastfeed you wonder if your little guy is getting what he needs, and Colt is for sure and then some! My sweet little chunk!

weight: 13 lbs 10 oz (95th percentile-wow)
height: 21.5 in (50th percentile)
head: don't have it with me, can't remember (50th percentile)


Wren and Andrew said...

I cannot believe how much he's grown. He has already changed so much! You are so blessed to get to stay home with him. I know when we have our little one it will kill me to go back to work!