Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Peas of Mind

I have made all of Colt's food homemade. I pureed all his fruits, veges, chicken, pasta...all of it. Then I made all of his chunky food and now all of his finger foods and table food. Well I thought it was time to break down and buy a few premade meals to make life a little easier when we are on the go, and to give me a break sometimes (for real!!!)! So I bought about 15 different Gerber and Beech Nut microwave meals. Colt loves my homemade mac and cheese (noodles with homemade cheese sauce), loves spaghetti, LOVES basically everything. So I buy all these yummy foods premade for him to try. Weeellllll, I was all excited about introducing him to this new fun food, and he thought it was the most disgusting thing he has ever put in his mouth. With each new container of food I would try he would literally gag and spit it out like it choked him! It was pretty hilarious, but come on! Seriously!?
So today I was in SuperTarget and ran across Peas of Mind that claims to be homemade. You just pop it in the microwave for 2 min and voila! So I thought, what the heck, let's give it a try. I actually put Colt's Carrot Risotto Puffet in the oven for 20min instead of microwaving thinking it may trick him better....and it did! He LOVED it! Thank you Jesus! I tasted it and I swear I would have eaten it for dinner too! Delish! Folks, we have a winner! They have all these different "Puffets" and even vegetable "fries." I am very excited about my new find and had to share! You can find it at SuperTarget and Whole Foods.


Angie said...

Emily won't eat the Gerber meals either. Thanks for passing this info along. Maybe I can find it somewhere in town..... :)
I'm so impressed that you homemake his food!

Kim said...

Well that is great. Good for you! The pics do look good.
I wonder why they won't eat Gerber???

Blessed said...


That is amazing that you made ALL of Colt's food. I am so impressed! We are passed all those Gerber Graduates meals, but my Colt still likes the yogurt puffs and cereal bars if you are ever looking for an easy snack to take on the go!