This is supposed to be the t-shirt Colt is wearing......
but instead, we got tired of waiting on it to come in the mail... so I went to Hobby Lobby and made this one instead!
You see, the plan was for Colt to walk into my parent's house with his BIG BRO shirt on and for them to freak out! Things happened quite differently....
Jordan and I are NOT the type to wait to tell any sort of news. We were just bursting having to keep it in! Ends up we confessed to secretly telling some of our friends before we were supposed to! Anyway, after waiting for over 2 weeks for that shirt to come (I ordered it off Etsy), I decided to take things into my own hands. Saturday I went to Hobby Lobby and got the goods for the above shirt. I had my sis Julie call and find out where my parents would be that night....verdict: at Granny and Papa's watching THE Auction (it's a big deal in our parts). PERFECT! So we loaded up and drove to surprise them. They were shocked to see us and we said we just couldn't bear to miss that auction! tee-hee! And let me tell you, after all that pining over the BIG BRO shirt, NOT A ONE of them even began to notice it! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!? Finally after like 30 minutes, mom was like, "Why are you smiling so big and being weird?" And I was like, "Would you PLEASE take a closer look at Colt!!!!???" It FINALLY sunk in and they were all thrilled. It was a riot. All that work for a stupid shirt and they don't even notice it! Crazy, I tell ya.
Of course we couldn't be happier! And to answer your burning questions....
1. No, it wasn't a surprise. Happened immediately, so it was sooner than we expected!
2. I am 7 weeks along.
2. I am 7 weeks along.
3. Go to the doc on Tues for an ultrasound and official due date.....but tells me I am due Feb. 1.
4. We don't prefer a boy or girl over the other. Always thought I wanted a slew of girls, but now that I have my sweet Colt, I will take all boys! Would love Colt to have a little sis, but also would love him to have a brother to grow up with.
5. Yes, I have been sick. Not throwing up, the other end. TMI, I know, but I never had that with Colt. I have talked to a few others who had the same problem in early pregnancy. Oh the joys.
6. Been craving sweets. The other day I made Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Sheet Cake with all intentions of that being my dinner, and it was. Mmmm, it was delish! (Didn't really crave much with Colt....just milk and eggs).
So there you have it! I think Colt will be the best big brother ever. He LOVES babies and talks about them all the time. Hopefully, that will transition into OUR new baby when the time comes.
Life is good. God is good.
Have a lovely week, y'all!