Friday, September 18, 2009

Random Happenings

Well it's been a few months, so here are some pics to catch up on our world. Pretty much same ol', same ol' around here. Jordan is loving his job and doing great and still playing music. Colt is getting SO BIG and SO HILARIOUS! I have so much fun with him every day. (Lots of "so"s in there!) Chasing him and catching up on house stuff while he sleeps leaves little time for blogging it seems. I am rushing now too, because I don't think he will let me sit here on the computer for much longer. : ) So enjoy the pics and maybe a better update soon.

I am trying to wait to get his first haircut on his birthday, but it's getting pretty wild!

Look at those curls
Love the scrunched up nose face!

Loves him some spaghetti!
Since my last post I graduated with my Masters in Educational Administration.



Kim said...

1. That kid didn't have a chance of having straight hair! =)
2. The nose picture!!!-- he's trying to do your weird nose face. =)
3. You got your Masters!!! That's so great! I'm impressed you've been able to juggle so much. I'm proud of you!

Angie said...

What a happy, cute family! Congrats on your masters...woo hoo!!!

Becky said...

He is a DOLL!!! Don't cut his hair! EVER!! :)

Rebecca said...

Lori, He is so cute! I just want to give him a squeeze! :)