Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fort Worth Stockyards

Wowzers, I am a blogging fool! Our computer is being fixed right now and I am on my mother-in-law's computer blogging away!! So here is a major blog 5 new posts!

Granny and Papa
Jordan and Katy
John Jr., Julie, and their new great dane puppy Addie Mae
Granny posing with some outlaws!!!
Jordan's famliy plus Julie?? That's funny.
Colt with 3 sets of grandparents!
Longhurst Clan...just missing Josh
Colt and Grandpop....this is a framer!
Aunt Ashley
GranSal and Grammy...precious!


Angie said...

Colt is so precious. I love those sparkly eyes! Hope things are going well for y'all!