Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fun in Fort Worth

Well Colt is now 3 months old! I can hardly believe it. I have so much fun with him everyday...I can't imagine life without him. He is so sweet and snuggly. He now smiles and coos constantly. We did have my camera working when hooked up to the computer, but tonight it is not working for some more pics will be coming soon. 

I am beyond thrilled that I am almost done with getting my Master's in Educational Administration. I have one more class left after the one I am in now. And I have to type up all my internship hours, but the end is in sight and it feels darn GOOD!!!! I officially graduate May 13th or maybe it's the 15th?? Anyway, it's soon! Can I get an AMEN!?!

Colt and I start Gymboree class Wednesday and I am pumped! I think that will be so adorable and fun for us. Something to get us out of the house. Jordan started his new job with Martin Sprocket and Gear. He is in the Executive Training Program. He really enjoys it and is a lot happier. Colt and I bring him lunch every Tuesday and we eat together in the parking lot in my backseat (he only has 30 min). Just making memories and having fun doing it! Starting in February I am going to be the math TAKS tutor at my school for about 8 weeks until THE test. It's only 2 days a week for 3 hours each day. Sally, Jordan's mom, is babysitting for us. I am looking forward to getting out and seeing my friends again, but will miss my little guy while I'm out.

I am getting excited about my trip to Tennessee! Colt and I will be coming in February, and I hope he gets to meet a lot of my friends! Colt gets a whole week of Grammy and Pops! We are going to have so much fun!

Have a great week everyone!


Erica Smith said...

He is getting to be such a big boy! Can't wait to see you at Hughes, stop by and say hi! :) Erica

Bethany said...

Amen to being done with a graduate degree!!! Colt is so adorable!

Becky said...

He is precious, Lori! 2 days a week for 3 hours sounds perfect!! You'll probably enjoy getting out a bit. Keep the pics coming!!

Cristie said...

More pics of baby Colt! He is so cute, I can't wait to meet him in a few weeks...I know he & Lola will be pals.